Well the holidays are now over, Madz and I have returned home, leaving the boys to get back into sailing mode. We had a great time over the two weeks, and it was nice to be all together again. Now the challenge is on for them to get to St Vincent before we do! The timescale is quite tight, as we fly down on 17th Dec. Pete doesn't want to leave the Canaries too early as it will still be the tale of of hurricane season so we are keeping fingers crossed for favourable weather and a reasonably quick passage. I shall research some hotels in St Vincent before we go just in case! Being tied to school times is a bit of a pain, with this crusing lark being anything but predictable but needs must and all that.

They left Marina Rubicon yesterday lunchtime and have arrived in Gran Canaria where the main priority is to find a 3rd person to crew. The ARC yachts are gathering there at the moment and it seems like the best possibility of picking someone up. Adam had his first taste of a night watch last night and seems to have enjoyed the experience so far. Early days yet though!
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